Moral Being and Quality Education Leads to Success
We invite you to donate to support Good Shepherd Primary School, Rwanda. All donations go through Harvest Foundation, a 501(c)3 in Scottsdale, AZ, USA. Please designate Good Shepherd Rwanda on your donation. Thank you!

Count on us to train up a child in the way he or she should go…

Academic and Bible based education.
A child that comes to Good Shepherd Primary School receives a good education, yet at the same time, it’s Bible based. That is our emphasis!

A child who comes to Good Shepherd Primary School is educated to obey the rules of the school, obey the teachers, and obey God. We teach them from the Word of God to love, which then becomes in them an ability to love their fellow students and love their parents. Eventually they become the future leaders of tomorrow.

Good Shepherd Primary School is not only for the poor children in the area around the school, but also for any other children who will come. We help develop the children in all aspects of their lives, just as Jesus grew: physically, mentally, social and spiritually, as in Luke 2:52.